Sunday 23 November 2014

Evil personified - Money!

Blood spilled
Mothers killed
The fire rages across the field
Attempts to keep it sealed
fail like getting AIDS patients healed
All this with results to yield
The paper machine must keep calculating
Man is like dogs salivating
Nelson Mandela does keep motivating
Once he stirred souls for the movement
Now arouses darkness that we question where the moon went
The green, blue and purple
has man tied like a girdle
We all wake up for the sake of hunts
They put Nelson Mandela's face on because we had the Big 5 bleeding in punts
It seems nothing brings bliss
than hearing the snake hiss
It sings tones of appraising life full of material
Each note unique as a serial
From paper to write on to paper that cloud me
Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Spirits levitate
Caskets gravitate
You die early but you perceived as late
The same ink that educates the ignorant
is the same as that scribes the killer’s grant
Is the permit that validates corrupt men
Is the pardon to throw me in a lion's den
The reason conflicting clans
have blood on their hands
Dollars to Euros to Rands
It’s the days of our lives as the hourglass frees the lump of sand
Straying from that which gave Eve Adam's rib
All to give our addiction to money another seed
The dying are the timid
Survival of the fittest couldn't be so livid
It that keeps your wallet company slaves us
It robs us of the freedom the higher power gave us
We clothe with the same garments that keep us dry when holy water tries to bathe us
God save us